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September term weekly classes

Writer's picture: DragonsanddaffodilsBlogDragonsanddaffodilsBlog

We are both in person and online this year which is very exciting, (make sure you purchase the correct option) and it will be lovely to share my space with students again. The class recordings will be uploaded to new private facebook groups this term (only video of my hands). Students provide their own ingredients and equipment.

Also, some information about the new shorter weekly all inclusive classes also starting in September.

For this intermediate class, the current students have voted and here are the fabulous flowers included in the 10 week term starting in September.

* astrantia * scabious * ranunculus * bouvardia * double helleb0re * clematis * london pride and an extra video showing the * double bouvardia. This doesn't mean you have to make every flower, but I will be demonstrating each. I will be demonstrating in a cold porcelain and hearty soft deluxe mix, but you can use sugar if you prefer, as I always give the advise required for each.

Such a beautiful collection of flowers for this term. I will be breaking these flowers down and showing methods that you can transfer to other flowers in the future. Basic flower making skills is all you need for this course.

Individually wired petals and a stamen centre for the beautiful open yellow rose. Rosa Canina or the dog rose in pretty pink which appeared in wafer paper in my book, also individually wired petals. I always love the blue of cornflower when you spot them out on a walk and the final option, my Mum's favourite forget-me-not - we will make making this field variety which is my favourite. I have been working on methods where you can use existing 5 petal blossom plungers and a simple pulled flower calyx. Make as many or as few as you wish, as a corsage is equally as beautiful as a bouquet. I will be demonstrating in a cold porcelain/hearty soft deluxe mix, but you can also choose either of these or sugar instead.

What a fabulous mix of subjects in this class suitable for all levels.

In this class you will learn skills including:

  • figure modelling in Saracino

  • flower making

  • sugarpasting a hat box dummy cake

  • floral cocoa butter painting

The scarecrow and wild flowers of poppy, daisy and wheat will be presented in a (bought) flower pot and the gerbera and rose bud and leaves will be presented on the hat box.

Painting with cocoa butter is wonderful. I have painted both with white colour first or without and both have their merits. Our own wedding cake was covered in cocoa butter painting and is still available to see in the school room. Here we will bring down the flowers into basic forms and concentrate more on applying the paint and how best to use it. Templates will be supplied, however, you could also experiment with stencils such as the wild flower stencil I designed for my first book which is available in Vanilla Valley (although I do have a couple left in my online shop too).

The final class in this batch of existing class groups will be a floral corsage. This gives you the time to concentrate on the flowers themselves, and practise and perfect which makes it suitable for both beginners and intermediate alike. Flower subjects are Calla Lilies, Carnations, Daphne, Variegated ivy and Gingko.

You may work in sugar or cold porcelain, but I will be demonstrating in a cold porcelain/hearty soft deluxe mix.

Available to Book online Now.

These weekly classes above are all available to book on the website now and places are limited in line with covid guidance from the Welsh Government. Initially, in person places are restricted to 4 (including those from the previous term that have first refusal on their spaces) but may rise to 6 if the August briefing allows.

New all inclusive Classes that will be available.

I will be holding three all inclusive in person classes on a Wednesday Evening 6:30-9pm that will run one after the other through the term starting on the 15th September, so it is even possible for you to enrol to do all three.

These classes are aimed at beginners or those that are new to cake decorating. Together they will give you the basics to start creating beautiful cakes of your own.

Places are limited to follow Welsh Covid guidelines, so book quickly to avoid disappointment.

Weeks 1-5 I will be starting a new session concentrating on sugar flowers for beginners. This five week course will help you learn a beautiful Rose, pretty filler jasmine flowers and also Rose and jasmine leaves as well as colouring them and arranging into a posy and explaining how to safely attach to a cake.

Weeks 6-8 The second new session will be a three week modelling class. You will make a cute character, an animal and a person during this course which will break down the basics of modelling, how to use the tools and Saracino modelling paste which is perfect for modellers of all levels.

Weeks 9-10 The final new session is a two week cake sharp edge cake covering class. You will learn how to split and fill a 6" cake, how to ganache, how to sugarpaste a board and on the second week you will learn how to cover the cake with sharp edges and fix to the board. We will also learn how to marble the paste we use, as well as how to use gold leaf for an elegant finish. A good finish is so important and is the perfect vehicle to display any decoration of your choice, so this is always a popular class.

That is the information for the weekly and all inclusive weekly classes starting in September. Apart from the students returning from the April 2021 term, the rest of the places are first come first served due to the limited numbers.

Got an idea for a class? I still have four days left in the week so there is always room for another idea.

  • I will be re-scheduling the Pabu the Panda day class which will have two options, to be online as a day course where you provide your own ingredients, or as an in person all inclusive class.

  • I will also be re-scheduling the Intermediate modelling class Mr Morris, the character from my book. Again, online Bring-your-own one day class, or all inclusive in person one day class.

  • Other classes to re-schedule are the all inclusive in person classes for the giraffe lying down with head up and seated baby chimpanzee as well as the popular wedding wafer paper rose, hydrangea and eucalyptus class and a Chocolate class just in time for making christmas treats.

Make sure to subscribe for the latest info.

Take care



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