Refresh Refresh Refresh!
We have made so many fabulous things already this term, .....
that I have created a new page so that people can see what we have made so far
and see what is still to come.
So you need to refresh the pages when you are on the website.
Such as these flowers made in the Monday evening class
that will go with our faerie that we are making in the second half of the term.
Wait until you see it all together. CRAZY amounts of work!
You have all done so beautifully! So give yourselves a clap! Who said there was a pandemic happening? Look what we achieve in our couple of hours escape every week.
New Tutorial

That's right!
This week there is not going to be one new video,
or two,
there will be THREE!
Tuesday I released How to make buttercream Link here
or you can look in the video tutorials section on the website (but all likes, comments and shares REALLY help, so I would be grateful if you could pop a like on youtube too)
Thursday I am going to release how to make ganache,
Then Sunday will be how to ice a cake with sharp edges.
BLIMEY!!! That is a lot I know, but they are all really core skills and I wanted to make sure you had them available.
Right! Back to work for me, this website edit is taking ages to change all the dates on the site.
Happy caking