Well hello!
Only one more class to go this week and the first week of classes for some of you will be complete.
We made a little bird this week, so I am sharing the pic of Cyril and Mr Bird from my book here (available from the online shop).
Weekly class private pages
These are gradually having the password applied. So once the first class has happened, and the video is uploaded, the password is now needed. So if you can't remember what I said during the first class, message me and I will let you know.
So that means, the videos are gradually being added as each class is done.
I am experimenting with different ways of doing it, and think I may have just found the fastest way of getting them online.
Those worried about being on camera. I can't work out how to remove voices, but the videos are of my hands - or the spotlight video.
So I have edited out a few little patches to protect your privacy, but I love hearing you all interact, it is absolutely wonderful to be back in class, whether online or via zoom.
Which brings me to:
In Person or via Zoom
Now, the whole idea for the option for both, was to limit the number of people in the classroom to make you safe. I know I have screens, but I am not comfortable with the idea that if you stay facing forward and wear a mask, you can sit side by side - SO that is why when you come to class you have a table each and a screen in front of you.
There was always a possibility of local lockdowns throughout the next year or so, and a new method of teaching had to be born.
I have subscribed to Zoom so that you can all show me your work as you make it, and I am giving you all the recordings for the full term at no additional cost. This is not normal practice in the teaching world, but I felt that it made it a lot easier for you to practice your work. So if you go into lockdown, you can then swap over to attend via zoom instead and you don't miss a lesson.
In Person contact details - please could you email me on dragonsanddaffodils@gmail.com to give me your full name, address, email and phone number and that will be kept in a locked cupboard should it be needed for contact tracing.
Things to remember for IN person students.
* Sanitise your hands as soon as you enter the building (on the left as you enter)
* Don't arrive more than 10 minutes before your lesson
* baby wipes
* mask or visor
* hang your coat or jumper on your own chair
* keep your belongings by or under your desk
* don't touch any other tables or chairs as I clean them before and after each lesson for you
* I will leave the door open so you don't have to worry about handles
* don't touch the screens or any other part of the classroom
* make sure you have everything you need including a drink.
We are only able to have classes if we follow these guidelines to keep us all safe.
Zoom ID
Those who booked via zoom can look in the members area, and choose my bookings from the drop down menu to find the ID for the session they are enrolled on. For those who need to swap over due to lockdown, I will figure out how to add it there, but at the very worst, will add you to the session.
Phone holder for zoom attendees
For those of you having difficulty positioning a phone while you watch the meeting, I have just bought one of these and it is very easy to point it to either your face or your work and easily adjust it. They also make them for ipads. For laptops, I recommend placing your laptop on objects that raise it to eye level which means you can tilt your screen down towards your work to angle the camera down
That is the link to the phone holder (I am an amazon influencer, so it is also in the new amazon store front page which is on the shop drop down menu
Any questions?
If you have any questions during the term, ANY at all, please don't hesitate to ask.
If you are worried about attending in person as you hear of cases rising, let me know and I will give you the zoom code so that you can attend online instead.
Have a good week, and please stay safe