Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am afraid that I have made the difficult decision to return the weekly classes to online only for the remainder of the year.
Given the rise in numbers, and the fact that the numbers are higher than when we were in full lockdown earlier in the year, I feel it is my duty to at least play my small part in protecting you and your families.
I know that not all of you like attending online, and I do understand that, I created the online option just in case this circumstance happened, but I do understand it is not for everyone.
I will make myself available for private online video chats outside of the lesson times for those of you struggling to finish your projects during the online classes. You can contact me to schedule the time if that is easier, as I appreciate that we all keep different timelines at the moment.
I hope this will make it easier for you to get the individual attention you would receive if you were in person during the class, especially if you do not normally attend online.
You have all really inspired me for the last two terms with your enthusiasm in class despite all that you are all going through.
I am really disappointed, as I thought the measures I had put in place in the school would be enough, but seeing the rise in cases in the community, it just feels wrong to continue in person in the run up to Christmas. Not for myself, my wish is always to protect others.
We will be spending our Christmas behind a computer screen using zoom to protect family members too.
I will be online for classes as normal this week, and will hopefully chat to you all then.
On Monday the 7th December, we have my Mother-in-laws funeral who we very sadly lost suddenly.
I will speak to my Monday students online on Monday to organise a new day/times to re-schedule the class to, and potentially to Tuesday classes too. I am sorry not to have definite plans for you at the moment.
It has been a very sad year for so many. Financially it has been difficult and that is not to be understated, as that causes such awful issues too, but the loss of family and friends for so many of you, us included, is just too heartbreaking. I have to do what I can to keep you safe.
If you ever need to talk, I am there. I can be contacted by phone, email, text, the facebook page, the website chat, whatsapp and zoom.
Please please get in touch if you just need someone to talk to, or even just for someone to listen.
Please stay safe, see you in class next week.